Jefferson Memorial at Night
8 x 10 Acrylic on Masonite
This is another challenge painting from Karin Jurick at Different Strokes From Different Folks. She chose this scene of the Jefferson Memorial at Night for everyone to paint and I really enjoyed painting a night scene because I had never done that before. She told us to work from dark to light so I did. I started by toning my canvas with Payne's Gray which is really dark and went from there and it was really fun and different. You should check out her blog and see all the different paintings!
Hey Karen!
I just had the best time catching up on all of your GREAT paintings! You have been busy! I can't wait to hear about the workshop- you will love it! I've been studying a landscape painting book but there is nothing like a live demo to understand the process! Enjoy!! Hope all is good at HMS! :)
Thanks Leslie! I am so excited about the workshop. They said they have to have at least 7 sign up to make the class so I am praying for that, I really want to take some more classes/workshops. If you know of any let me know. Good to hear from you, I still enjoy getting to see Bailey, he is a sweetie :)
Hey- Well, Carole Foret's will always be the best workshop ever, but I could suggest Anne Blair Brown. She does wonderful plein air workshops in Nashville. She is a great teacher and a super person!!
Well Carole will never get rid of me! I am doing another workshop with her in April! Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into that, you're awesome!
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